How To Charge Laptop Battery for Long Life

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About Us

About 4.66 billion people around the globe use the internet. Yeah, a whopping 59.9% of the total population of humans. While many people use their phones, techie guys like me and you must also use our laptops and phones. But a faulty laptop can make billions of persons unhappy in one minute.

Now imagine you got off the bed and tried to switch on your laptop. Next thing, the display goes blank, or the system wouldn’t boot. I can personally relate to this experience. It has happened to me many times, and I’m guessing to you too.

In fact there are many sad encounters like that faced by millions of laptop users around the world daily. That’s why I decided to create this website- for fellow laptop users encountering all kinds of problems. At, I’ll be sharing information about laptops and their numerous problems and solutions. This information also includes troubleshooting and laptop maintenance tips.

Strange Noises in Computer Solution